2024 March

Hello my darling,

It was lovely to be with you in your new home for a few weeks.  We wanted to see that you three were all OK, see where you lived, where Mary and Tammy worked, you went to school and hopefully meet some of your new friends.  We were able to do that.  

Del Norte hosted a Colour (you spell it color) Guard competition and we helped out at the school for a couple of days.  It was lovely to watch you in person, rather than in  a small cell phone screen from 10500 kms away!

Gumpie soon found his spot to sit in your lounge and I found mine,  next to Ruby’s cage on the couch.  It was great to meet  your friends and the lovely couples your folks have made friends with.

On 5 March we started our Groot Trek home.  We weren’t looking forward to it and when you left us at the airport I was missing you already.  The security had to open the Paw Patrol toy box to examine the contents but they sealed it up tight afterwards.

Tammy lent me her feet hammock to try in the plane and they actually worked on the 15 hour flight from Atlanta to Johannesburg.  I was able to crouch on my side with my crossed feet resting on the hammock.  After a 4 hour wait-over we got our light to Durban where we were picked up by a local shuttle service and taken to Doone.  We arrived home at 11pm, showered and fell into bed, shattered!

I wonder when we will see you again?  I know your folks said that you might come out next year but sometimes life gets in the way of the best intended plans and it could be a few years!  

Love you pretty girl 




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