17 months old and such a cutie!

Hello darling Em,
Two weeks ago you went in to Parklands for your Pamidronate treatment - but this time it was different. Dr Roos agreed that you could go in as a day patient. The hospital made a bit of a mess with your first appointment though. When Mom and Dad took you at 8am they were told to come back at lunch time as there were no beds available for you. So they went back at 1pm but then Dr Roos was consulting and couldn't get there until after 5pm. The tube and drip only went in at around 5:30pm so you had a long first day, only getting home after 9pm. Mom says that you screamed when Dr Roos put the needle in and then started signing and saying, "No more! No more!" Poor Dr Roos was quite upset!

The next two days went much better and Mark and Tam brought you around here on Saturday so that they could have a little rest. You still had the port in your head and a bandage to keep it in place but it didn't seem to bother you.  On Sunday the treatment went very smoothly and you were in and out with no hassles.
Last weekend I went to Cape Town for the long weekend and didn't see you for 4 days.  I had a photo of you on my camera though and every now and then had a look at you and said, "Hello beautiful Noo-noo".
You are pulling yourself up against everything and have to be watched every second.  The other day I let you stand for a moment next to the bed but normally someone holds you when you stand, in case you fall.
Your new favourite tv show is Barney and Tammy bought a dvd to keep here.  When you come here you point to the tv and say, "Barrrn ... Barrrn!"  You jig and dance when they sing the Barney song.
You still don't have a little friend but you did go to a birthday party and got to play with another little girl which was so nice for you. I think Mark and Tammy will make a decision soon about letting you attend a day care a couple of days a week - with Mom staying with you as well. I'll be babysitting you tomorrow while Mom helps out at Dad's company office. We are becoming good friends and I know that we will get on well!
 I can always make you laugh and when I flap my arms like a chicken and hop towards you, you squeal with delight!  You are a beautiful child and I love you noo-noo!


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