Your brain is like a mainframe computer!!
I am convinced that your brain is like a mainframe computer that absorbs and stores every input. Yesterday I showed you the sign for please (clockwise rub on the chest area) and today when you came to visit you asked for a banana.
"Say please" I prompted and you immediately rubbed your chest! You are just SO bright, so clever, so smart, so amazing!!
Tammy took you to the clinic the other day and the sister asked if you could say between 6 and 10 words. Good grief - you had a 20 word vocabulary when you turned one and now, between words and signing, there is hardly anything you can't say: umbrella, broom, swim, pool, cheese, juice, thank you are some fo the new words, and - you understand everything we say.

You are due for your next pamidronate treatment in a couple of weeks. The months pass so quickly and it seems like last week that you were in hospital. Mark contacted Dr Roos and asked if they could take you home between treatments and he said yes - so that it progress. You won't have to stay in hospital for three days.
You've learned to give hugs and kisses and it is the most wonderful feeling to have you put your arms around my neck and give a hug!
You kiss Gumpy but you don't really like his beard andyou wrinkle your face after giving him a kiss!
We had a lovely family get-together at Patty's on Valentines Day. You had your first 'spare rib' and wow, did you enjoy it! You also had a ball unpacking Patty's plastic cupboard in the kitchen. You crawl all over the place and climb up on everything. Its nerve wracking!!
When you come to me now you just want 'down! down!" so that you can crawl and climb. You stand up next to chairs and tables and climb on them but you haven't learned to go down backwards yet.
The other day you managed to open the wardrobe in the guest room and you climbed inside. What a lovely 'house' it made for you!
You are still not sleeping through the night and wake often. With most babies you can leave them to niggle but Mark and Tam can't do that with you because you try to stand and that could mean a fracture. They are such good parents but they are always tired.

Yesterday you heard a baby crying on the television and wanted to go to to the tv room to see. When we got there you took one look at the baby and started howling as well! You have a soft, beautiful heart my darling and I wish we could protect you and prevent any further breaks. Sleep tight little angel - granny loves you!