10th OCTOBER 2008 - Your first Party!!

Last Saturday we had a 'Baby Shower' for you and your Mom and Dad. Usually only women go to Baby Showers but Mark wanted his friends to be there too, so we had a few Daddies and wanna-be Daddies and a few guys who seemed bemused by the whole thing!
Lauren brought her precious little 5 week old Taylor. I kept looking at her and wondering if you would like like her!
The party was at lunch time so we served a light lunch. Patty and I found Polka-dot plates, place mats and serviettes so the theme was

It was a lovely party and you were the main attraction! You are going to be welcomed into a community of friends and family who all love you alre

On Monday your Mom went for another scan and it showed that you have moved sides. They have estimated that you weigh over 3kg already and, with three weeks still to go, you could be a big baby.Everything is well with Mom and Dad so now it is just a matter of time before you make your appearance!
The Paediatrician will be present at the delivery to do a physical check. Your Dad will go with you to have x-rays of your limbs, spine and skull. They might be able to tell from these x-rays whether or not you have osteogenesis imperfecta. So far there is no sign - no fractures and no deformities. We are all praying for you little Em.
Lots of love,