23 OCTOBER 2008 - I held you

Hello little Emily,

This is a picture of you sucking your Daddy's finger.
Finn and I visited you yesterday and it was so nice to hold you, to look at you and just spend some time with you. I was able to hold you for a while and talk to you. It seemed as though you were listening - perhaps you recognized my voice? I told you that you were my little 'Milly and that I was your Silly and that we would be friends forever!
You are tiny! You've got fair hair - quite a lot of hair. You have got a straight nose - Mark calls it a plastic surgeon's nose because it is so perfect. You've got Mark's little pointy chin (perhaps that is the Aadnesgaard genes? Your fingers are long and you've got perfect fingernails. Your little arms and legs look so skinny and your feet are long! I counted your fingers and toes just to make sure that they are all there.
After Tammy fed you I held you against my shoulder to burp you and you fell asleep! We stayed for a little while and then put you down so that Mark and Tammy could also have a lie down or sleep. Mark told us today that just 10 minutes after we left you woke up and that was the end of their afternoon sleep!
You will get into a routine soon. This stage goes by so quickly and before they know it you won't be a tiny baby anymore.
I am going to visit you again tomorrow afternoon - can't wait!
Try to sleep Em so that your Mom and Dad get some rest.
Love you baby,


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