Tuesday 28th October - Birdie

We went to visit you all this morning - Grumps cut the lawn and tidied up the flower beds and I helped Mark and Tammy by washing the dishes.
Mark cooked dinner last night - roast beef and Yorkshire pudding. It was their anniversary so he wanted to do something special for Tammy.
Tammy calls you Birdie - because when you are hungry you open your mouth and cry just like a hungry little bird.
Actually, you are almost full term now. Originally the gynae set your birth date at 5th November -

You are growing before our eyes! You are only 12 days old but already your eyes stay open longer and you seem to follow sounds. I chatted to you and you smiled at me! I'm sure it was a smile and not just a burp face!
I wonder what colour eyes you will have Em? At the moment they are like little kitten's eyes - slate grey and unfocused. Your Mom has dark brown eyes and Mark has hazel/green eyes.
It is going to be wonderful when you look at us and recognize us - so many people who love you, darling little Em.
You are feeding well - now you must get into a day - night routine so that your Mom and Dad can sleep!
Big hug,