16 October - WELCOME EMILY ANN!!!
Yesterday I was a mother,
Today I am a Gran!
Today I am a Gran!
Mark phoned us early this morning to say that Tammy had been admitted, Doctor Batchelder had examined her and said that yo
u were on the way.
Now, I had planned on taking photographs of the sunrise on your birth day. Sunrise today was 05:18 but it was misty and raining so I went around the garden taking photographs of some of the flowers that are blooming now. It is springtime and the Azaleas are spectacular: the Wisteria is in bud, the Petrea is a cloud of blue and the wild Iris are all pregnant with white buds.
A theatre was booked and at 9:05am you were delivered weighing just under 3kg - a perfect size for a little girl! Mark was there and he and the
anaesthetist to
ok many photographs of your first few minutes in the world. Dr J Roos, the paediatrician, was there and he examined you and did a special test.
Then they wheeled you away to the nursery, with Mark following close behind, where special baby x-ray were done of your skull, chest and spine. There was an anxious wait for a couple of hours (they were very busy this morning) and then the results came through - there is no evidence of OI.
We only caught a quick glimpse of you as you were wheeled through to the nursery but at visiting hours, between 3 and 4 for visitors, and 4 to 5 for grand-parents, we finally saw you in Tammy's arms.

Then they wheeled you away to the nursery, with Mark following close behind, where special baby x-ray were done of your skull, chest and spine. There was an anxious wait for a couple of hours (they were very busy this morning) and then the results came through - there is no evidence of OI.
Mark asked me what it felt like to be a grandmother and I said, "I don't know yet." I think I felt more like a grandmother when he told us that he and Tammy were pregnant. I don't think the actual 'you are my grand-daughter and I am your grandmother' has actually registered yet!
We are going to visit you again this afternoon and I think Tammy might go home tomorrow, Saturday.
We are going to visit you again this afternoon and I think Tammy might go home tomorrow, Saturday.