16 October - WELCOME EMILY ANN!!!

Today, my baby had a baby,
Today, my child became a Dad.
Yesterday I was a mother, 
 Today I am a Gran!

Mark phoned us early this morning to say that Tammy had been admitted, Doctor Batchelder had examined her and said that you were on the way.

Now, I had planned on taking photographs of the sunrise on your birth day. Sunrise today was 05:18 but it was misty and raining so I went around the garden taking photographs of some of the flowers that are blooming now. It is springtime and the Azaleas are spectacular: the Wisteria is in bud, the Petrea is a cloud of blue and the wild Iris are all pregnant with white buds.
A theatre was booked and at 9:05am you were delivered weighing just under 3kg - a perfect size for a little girl! Mark was there and he and the
anaesthetist took many photographs of your first few minutes in the world. Dr J Roos, the paediatrician, was there and he examined you and did a special test.
Then they wheeled you away to the nursery, with Mark following close behind, where special baby x-ray were done of your skull, chest and spine. There was an anxious wait for a couple of hours (they were very busy this morning) and then the results came through - there is no evidence of OI.
We only caught a quick glimpse of you as you were wheeled through to the nursery but at visiting hours, between 3 and 4 for visitors, and 4 to 5 for grand-parents, we finally saw you in Tammy's arms.
I wore a mask so that I could hold you. You are so tiny. You have got long fingers, with perfect nails, and long feet. We jokingly said that you wouldn't need flippers to go swimming! You have the sweetest little profile. Because you didn't have to push through the birth canal, your face doesn't look all squashy like some new born babies do. I think you look like your Dad - you have his chin and the same colour hair. Mark stayed with you and Tammy until after 8h30pm and then came home to us to sleep the night (we are only 7km from Parklands). He told us then about the caesarean and the baby test which they do at 1 minute and 5 minutes after birth which you passed 10 out of 10 both times.
Mark asked me what it felt like to be a grandmother and I said, "I don't know yet." I think I felt more like a grandmother when he told us that he and Tammy were pregnant. I don't think the actual 'you are my grand-daughter and I am your grandmother' has actually registered yet!
We are going to visit you again this afternoon and I think Tammy might go home tomorrow, Saturday.



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